Tissue protein is generally dry matter, and the raw materials are mostly processed soybean products, such as defatted soybean powder, concentrated protein, protein isolate, gluten powder, etc., and the shape is granular, columnar, massive, etc., and it needs to be rehydrated when used, that is, soaked in water. The use of tissue protein has been in developed countries for decades, but it has just started in our country, and many people are still very unfamiliar with it. It is believed that with the continuous development of processing technology, the taste, taste and texture of the product will be closer to that of meat, and it will be more and more accepted by consumers.

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The plant tissue protein production line developed by Jinan Dingrun Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. is the latest tissue protein production equipment independently developed on the basis of foreign advanced equipment and in combination with my country's national conditions. The tissue protein production line uses soybean meal and peanut meal as the main raw materials. Grinding, stirring, tempering, high temperature, high pressure, and high shear, the spherical protein molecules are opened into chains and reorganized to form a lamellar fiber structure; its products have high nutritional value, have the state and taste of meat, and do not contain Cholesterol and animal fat have the characteristics of oil absorption, water absorption and odor absorption, and are widely used in various industries.

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Process flow of tissue protein production line:

  Mixing machine—feeding machine—twin-screw extruder—elevator—drying box—packing.

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At present, soybean textured protein is mainly made of defatted soybean powder, soybean protein concentrate or soybean protein isolate, etc., and is made under mechanical and thermal effects such as stirring, extrusion, and puffing. It has high nutrition and good functionality, and has the following characteristics:


1. After being extruded by an extruder, the protein molecules are rearranged neatly, with the same direction tissue structure, similar to the porous tissue of meat, so it has excellent water retention and chewing feeling;

2. After processing under short-term high temperature, high moisture and high pressure, various harmful substances contained in soybeans (trypsin inhibitor, urease, saponin and hemagglutinin, etc.) are eliminated, and the human body's ability to protein is improved Absorption and digestion ability, nutritional value increased significantly;

3. When puffing, due to the rapid decompression and explosion at the outlet, it can remove the bad smell in soybeans and reduce the gas production of soybean protein after eating;

4. Soybean textured protein has good oil retention, and it can be used to make food clean and not greasy;

5. It is easy to use, soak in room temperature water for 30 minutes, and then it can be added to make various foods;

6. Soy textured protein does not contain cholesterol, so people with cardiovascular disease can eat it with confidence;

7. Soybean textured protein is an ideal plant protein, containing eight kinds of amino acids necessary for human body (leucine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine and valine acid);

8. The shape of soybean textured protein can be divided into flakes, large blocks and granules; in terms of color, it can be divided into primary color and red, so that it can be used more widely.


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Processing Technology of Soybean Textured Protein
Time : 2022-11-18

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